Granite Wealth Management

Q4 Market Outlook: Pause That Refreshes Due to End Soon

We recently wrote that the old Wall Street adage, “Sell in May and go away,” has fallen apart because the six-month period beginning in May has been surprisingly strong over the past decade.

This doesn’t mean that the historically strong period of November of April has become weak. Quite the opposite, in fact: those 6 months remain as favorable as ever – and we believe the 4th quarter of 2023 is setting up yet again to be a positive one.

While we see the next month or so challenging, October tends to be the bear market killer. In addition, the last quarter of year 3 of a president’s administration has historically seen positive performance that carries over to the first quarter of year four – election year.

**The paragraphs above are merely an excerpt from our full 4th Quarter Market Outlook. To read the full 6-page newsletter, simply click this link to download: Granite Wealth 4th Quarter Market Outlook