Granite Wealth Management


HI-LO Index Highlight

Liz Ann Sonders from Charles Schwab recently pointed out, market breadth, or the number of stocks participating in this year recovery is broadening and increasing. What does the data say? Looking under the microscope we see an expanding number of new 52 week highs in the NASDAQ and NYSE universes. Yesterday, on the NYSE there

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Eat the Apple

An apple a day keeps the doctor away. This isn’t literally true, and the real lesson is in the strategic view of what happens over time. The apple represents something good for you. The day refers to the consistency of which the consumption of something good should occur. Keeping the doctor away metaphorically represents avoiding

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If Not Now, When?

When the markets are piping hot, much like they were for the second half of 2020, investing feels like such an easy endeavor. When the markets cool to levels where growth is hard to find, investing seems much more bleak – and 2022 surely felt like a barren, frozen tundra when it comes to finding

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Death and Taxes… and Pessimism

JANUARY 4, 2023  BEHAVIORAL FINANCECOLLEGE PLANNINGGEN ZINVESTMENTINVESTMENT MANAGEMENTMILLENIALSMONEY MINDSETPERSONAL FINANCE “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes,” -Benjamin Franklin, to his friend and French scientist, Jean Baptiste Le Roy (November 1789) It’s possible that, were he around today, Ben Franklin might have added pessimism to the short list of

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